Welcome to SISo Nepal
SISo Nepal, Skill Information Society Nepal established in 2003, is a national level non-governmental, non-political and non-profit making organization. It is registered under organization registration act 2034 BS in District Administration Office Kathmandu and affiliated with Social Welfare Council (SWC) of Nepal. SISo Nepal works for the human resource and health development of the underprivileged people of Nepal with the aim to establish congenial environment for ensuring basic health rights.
SISo Nepal was established in response to identified growing health needs, supplement and complement to the Government of Nepal. SISo Nepal aims to organize and conduct an appreciable and measurable numbers of programs to address the growing need of information and services on Comprehensive Sexuality Education, Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health including Family Planning, Adolescent Friendly Service on Sexual and Reproductive Health.
SISo Nepal seeks to be an effective, independent and self-sustained organization that works in national level; with a strong network of local NGOs, INGOs, bi-lateral agencies, UN agencies and Government of Nepal through direct project implementation, and support service delivery to the like-minded agencies. SISo Nepal believes in participatory approach, community participation, learning by doing, and quality services.
SISo Nepal has experience in designing, developing and implementing the programs on educating the people (with special focus on Young People) about Comprehensive Sexuality Education, Adolescent Friendly Service, Menstrual Hygiene Management, Family Planning, Establishing and Management of Adolescent Friendly Information Corners(AFIC) in Schools, End Child Marriage, linkages between Population Sexual and Reproductive Health and Climate Change Adaptation; Gender and Education with an effective approach without evoking the existing social values and cultures.
SISo Nepal has also profound experiences and lessons learned in designing, developing IEC/SBCC materials including the training packages and job aid on Comprehensive Sexuality Education, Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health, Adolescent Friendly Service, Family Planning, Life Skills, Gender, including End Child Marriage.
SISo Nepal is equipped and is confident enough with the expertise of its team and the pool of resource persons who have contributed to government of Nepal and different organizations for implementing innovative, cost effective and result oriented programs on the areas of its expertise.
SISo Nepal has extensive experiences in working with Ministry of Health and Population, Family Welfare Division (FWD), National Health Training Center (NHTC), National Health Education Information and Communication Center (NHEICC) of MoHP. It has provided its technical support in development and implementation of the National ASRH Program Implementation Guideline, Training Package development and conduction of TOT and Service Providers training on Adolescent Friendly Service on ASRH and in establishing the comprehensive ASRH training sites including the whole site orientation on Adolescent Friendly Services on ASRH; developing Quality Improvement and Certification Tool (guideline) for the certification of the Adolescent Friendly ASRH Services and also providing the support in the quality improvement and certification of the Adolescent Friendly Services.
Similarly, SISo Nepal has provided technical support to the Center for Educational and Human Resource Development (CEHRD) of Ministry of Education, Science and Technology in developing the training package on Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), conducting training of trainers (ToT) and Teachers Training in Nepal.
Therefore, SISo Nepal is in position to work as one of the leading organizations to design and implement, evaluation of the activities and complementing to the Government of Nepal and other service providing agencies.
Priority Areas of Working:
As a pioneer organization on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health, Comprehensive Sexuality Education, Life Skills, Adolescent Friendly Service Delivery, Counseling on ASRH, Menstrual Hygiene Management, SISo Nepal has set the priority areas of work on the following issues:
- Advocacy: Comprehensive Sexuality Education, ASRH and FP Information and Services
- Strategy, Policy and Guideline: Technical Support to GoN in developing strategies, policies & guidelines
- Research on Health Issues
- Training Toolkit/Packages/Manuals/Curriculum Development: Basic, Refresher, M/ToT
- Capacity Building of Teachers, Health Care Providers and Young Peoples on ASRH and Comprehensive Sexuality Education
- Establishment and Management of Adolescent Friendly Information Corners (AFIC): Demand Generation for FP and ASRH Services
- Trainings: Teachers, Health Care Providers and Adolescent/Young Peoples and Parents
- IEC/SBCC including Materials Development Dissemination on CSE/ASRH and FP
- Counselling incl. Telephone Hotline Counselling
- Democracy, Peace and Human Rights
- Education Development
- Contribute in promoting health information and services for the deprived people of Nepal
- Develop Information Education and Communication (IEC)/Social Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) materials on Health Issues, provide the health education.
- Conduct research on health issues.
- Develop training tool kits/ manuals on health issues.
- Conduct the trainings on health issues.
- Contribute to the Government of Nepal in formation of national health policy/strategy.
- Contribute to the strengthening democracy, peace and human rights.
- Contribute for the healthy climate, environment, and wildlife conservation.
- Contribute for the access for education to each group of people of the country